Your certified guide in

lean body mass, strength & athletic Performance, mobility, nutrition, and the mental discipline required for continous results over time.


1:1 Personal & Athletic Training

The ideal choice if you want a personalized plan that is tailored to your goals and lifestyle. Comes with emailed workouts outside of scheduled sessions, and nutritional plan add-ons! If a clients particular goals may take some adaptation time, this specificity is the best option for timely success! One-On-One training allows for faster growth simply from all focus being directed to one individual.

small group personal training Adults & youth athletes

Small groups (2-6) are fantastic ways to hold each other accountable for workouts! Grab someone you hang out with outside of the gym—and come learn how to execute movements that will help your body composition and joints! Youth athletes are always in a transition period from child to adolescent, it is imperative that they learn proper biomechanics, torque, mobility, and the fundamentals of strength training, hip extension, and explosive power.

Learn more about Ironborne personal training packages!

Nutrition & behavior change

Ironborne Fitness stresses the importance of a well-balanced whole food diet with a variety of root vegetables, meats, poultry, leafy greens and low volumes of sugars and simple carbs only prior to more intense exercise bouts. I will providing basic guidelines to boost metabolic rate while providing sufficient fuel for performance. Get my personal recommendations that have allowed me to maintain a body fat % of 4.4 at 37 years old, with 184 of 192lbs being lean muscle. “The best and most efficient pharmacy is within your own system.” —Robert C. Peale

We humans like gritty hard work, because gritty hard work provides better long-term survival benefits. And if we can tap into that drive, we can fundamentally change the quality of our life.
— Steven Kotler in The Art Of Impossible

Of the estimated 10 million Americans with osteoporosis, 80% are women. Don’t wait ladies! Learn proper weightlifting form to increase bone density and skeletal muscle. Yoga and pilates are great tools for lengthening, but women often need to shorten and contract due to hypermobility and low bone density. All women should be lifting a minimum of 3 x/ per week.

I run my practice as a contractor, but any Ironborne client who purchases a training package receives a $20 discount off of a Think Fit Club membership with 24 hour gym and sauna access!

Creating a plan that works for you

Through my personalized coaching, I’ll work alongside you to develop an integrated plan to achieve full body wellness—often combining the practices of nutrition discipline, strength and conditioning , meditation, literature, and joint mobility. Learn the total package of kinesiology to stay injury free!

“The fountain of content must spring up from the mind, and he who hath so little knowledge of human nature as to seek happiness by changing anything but his own disposition, will waste his life in fruitless efforts and multiply the grief he proposes to remove.” —Samuel Johnson


External things are not the problem. It’s your assessment of them. Which you can erase right now. If the problem is something in your own character, whose stopping you from setting your mind straight? If it’s that you’re not doing something you should be doing, why not just do it?
— Marcus Aurelius in Meditations

Improving your relationship with food

Try something new

Understanding how the body processes macronutrients, and the amounts necessary to achieve fitness goals, are at times, widely misunderstood. However it basically comes town to ten words: EAT, MORE, CLEAN, FOOD. DO NOT EAT MORE THAN NECESSARY. It is very similar to beginners hypertrophy training: boring, monotonous, and a habit of self-discipline. Learn about the neurological relationships we have with our diets, and the simple, effective solutions to alter them. Become educated on what the newest food science is saying about: cholesterol, protein, cardiovascular health, and cancer prevention.

Target Specific Issues

The conscious mindset to more desirable and healthy food choices becomes easier with a basic understanding of what percentage of macronutrients are best to achieve a particular goal. Your coffee sweetener or cooking oils aren’t necessarily the problem, its more in the amounts of proteins, fats, and carbs coinciding with activity level, stress, sleep, and time management to prepare better food options at home for ourselves, and for our loved ones. Healthy food improves cognitive function.